Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info > Ledgers > Create
Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info > Ledgers > Create (Single)
2.Create the following Ledgers under Multiple Mode
Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info > Ledgers > Create (Multiple)
Create the following Ledgers under Single ModeGo to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info > Ledgers > Create (Single)
Direct Expenses Assemble Charges Carriage on Purchase Handling Expenses on Purchases Other Trading Expenses Packaging Material Packaging Expenses Indirect Expenses SALARIES AND STAFF EXPENSES Salary Staff Welfare Staff Festival Benefits Incentives to Staff |
Indirect Incomes INTEREST EARNINGS Interest from Securities Interest on Bank Deposits Interest on Loan Given Interest Charged to Customers Indirect Incomes OTHERS INCOME Sales Tax Returns Claims / Refunds Received Discount on Purchases Commission / Brokerage Received Bad Debts written off-now recovered Miscellaneous Receipts |
Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info > Ledgers > Create (Multiple)
ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Printing & Stationery Traveling Expenses Conveyance Telephone / Taxes / Fax Charges Courier / Postage Charges Repairs and Maintenance Rent Paid Electricity Bill License Fees, Municipal Taxes Subscription & Membership Fees Fuel and Maintainence of Vehicle Warehousing Expenses Insurance Premiums Legal Expenses Professional Fees Computer Expenses Charity and Donations Loss due to Theft/Pilferage/Damage Discounts and Sales Rebates Miscellaneous Expenses SELLING & DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES Advertisement Expenses Sales Promotion Expenses Entertainment Expenses Conference Expenses Exhibition Expenses Bad Debt Interest on Loans Interest Charged by Supplier Bank Charges Commission / Brokerage Paid Depreciations |