27 November, 2019

Ledger Under Group List for Tally ERP9

Ledger Under Group List

The Group:

Introduction: In the modern way of accounting, all financial entries are performed using Ledgers or account heads. It is advisable to Group/Classify ledger information based on their function. Group are helpful in classifying  and indentifying  account heads based on their nature. Grouping helps in presenting summarized information.  Re-Grouping of Accounts is also permitted by Tally.ERP. At the higest level of grouping, accounts are classifed into Assets. Liabilities, Income and Expenditure.

Groups by Default (Pre-defined Groups):     Tally.ERP 9 provides you with 28 per-defined Group to save you from unnecessary burden of creating frequently used Group. Out of these 28 Group, 15 are Primary Groups and 13 Subgroups. Subgroups is a part of the main group. There are 28 pre- defined Group in Tally.ERP9, out of 15 are Primary Groups and 13 are Sub- Groups.

15 Primary Groups     -     13 Sub groups
Branch/ Divisions              Bank Accounts
Capital Account                 Bank OD A/c
Current Assets                    Cash-in-hand
Current Liabilities              Deposits (Asset)
Direct Expenses                  Duties & Taxes
Direct Incomes                    Loans & Advances (Asset)
Fixed Assets                        Provisions
Indirect Expenses                Reserves & Surplus
Indirect Incomes                 Secured Loans
Investments                         Stock-in-hand
Loans (Liability)                 Sundry Creditors
Misc. Expenses (ASSET)   Sundry debtots
Purchase Accounts             Unsecured Loans
sales Accounts
Suspense A/c

Pre-Defined Sub Group                 Under
Bank Accounts                                Current
Bank OD A/c                                   Loans (Liability)
Cash-in-hand                                   Current Assets
Deposits (Asset)                              Current Assets
Duties & Taxes                                Current Liabilities 
Loans & Advances (Asset)              Current Assets
Provisions                                        Current Liabilities
Reserves &Surplus                           Loans (Liability)
Stock-in-hand                                   Current Assets
Sundry Debtors                                Current Assets
Sundry Creditors                              Current Liabilities
Unsecured Loan                               Loan (Liability)