28 November, 2019

Display or Alter or Deletation a single ledger account in tally erp9

Display or Alter a Single Ledger Account:
 Information under Display and Alter is the same. Display option not permit any modification. Alter option permits you to alter the information.

You are allowed to alter any information of the ledger master with the exception of the Closing Balance of a ledger account, if any, other then closing balance of accounts under the group Stock-in-hand.

Go to Gateway of Tally>Accounts Info.>Ledgers>Display or Alter

Modification of Account Ledgers is Possible under Single Ledgers as wall as Multiple Ledgers option. However under Multiple Ledgers, all the fields are mot available for alteration

Deleting a Single Account

You can delete the ledger if no vouchers have been created under ledger.

Go to Gateway of Tally>Accounts Info.>Ledgers>Alter>Press Alt+D

If you want to delete a Ledger for which Vouchers have been created, then you have to first delete all the Vouchers from that Ledger and then delete the Ledger Account.

(Tally.ERP9 dose not allow deletion of accounts that have transactions. Therefore, should you wish to delete an account, which has transactions, you mast first delete all its voucher entries.)