Company Creation Tally.ERP9 |
Directory: Specify the path where the company data will be stored. The Default data directory of Tally.ERP9 is C:\TallyERP9GST\Data. If you want to keep your data in another location, you can specify the location; for example, if you want to keep your data in your 'D drive', specify the path D;\
Name Enter Name of the Company.
Mailing Address Address of the Company.
Country & state Select the Country & state name from the pop-up list.
Pin Code Enter your city PIN Code.
E-mail Address Enter the E-mail Address of the Company.
Currency Symbol Currency symbol will be displayed in which the account books of the company are to be maintained. By default, it shows Rs. As currency symbol.
Maintain Depending on the activity of the company, you can maintain the records in two ways:
1. Accounts only 2. Accounts with Inventory.
Financial Year From: Enter the starting date of the Financial year for which you are maintaining company accounts. However, it will never ask you to enter the Closing date of the Financial period like other software. In Tally.ERP9, you can maintain multiple accounting years in the same Company. For example, if you want of set up the financial period of a company for the year 2013-2014, the Start date should be 01-04-2013.
Books Beginning From: Enter a Date within the financial period on which books have been started. For example, In the above-mentioned period, the actual date of financial transaction begins on 01-04-2013; so in this field enter the date as 01-04-2013. Remember that this date can be the same starting date of the financial period or later, only for a new Concern/Company.
Tally Vault Passport: If you want to secure your company from other users, even from selection, provide a password here. A copy of the company will generate with encrypted format in name.
Use security Control: This option enables you to restrict user wise data access. Say 'Yes' to create 'administrator' who has all rights. If you do not wish to maintain security control, select 'No'.
Base Currency Symbol: The currency symbol appearing against currency field will be displayed here.
Formal Name: Full name of the currency is displayed here. For example, For currency symbol 'Rs.' the currency name is displayed as 'Indian Rupees'.
Number of Decimal Place: Decimal place of currency is shown here because it wil lnot allow you to lose pat of a amount due to change of currency value.
Show Amount in Million Symbol: This option maintains visual clarity of large amounts. If you want to show the amount in millions, say 'Yes'. To show in lakhs, say 'No'.
Is Symbol Suffixed to Amount? To put currency Symbol before amounts say 'No'; to put after the amount, say 'Yes'.